Brand Name : Colorbox
Location : Ground Floor
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Website :

COLORBOX, born in 1993, is the young girls fashion brand (18- 22 years old) with fashionable styles and affordable prices.COLORBOX offers a range of products and accessories for the season that allow you to express your soul of fashion, choosing what you like from each trend and combining it to create your own unique style.COLORBOX is all about having fun in fashion. We consistently offer the newest trends and styles and only the most up to date developments are sourced from around the globe, combining style with quality materials to produce the clothing and accessories you see in the store. (
Brand Name : Giordano
Location : Ground Floor
Phone :
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Giordano merupakan perusahaan pakaian kasual untuk pria, wanita, dan anak-anak dari Hong Kong.Giordano mengkhususkan dalam memproduksi pakaian berkualitas ekonomis dari T-shirt, kaus lengan panjang, dan celana jean.Didirikan pada 1981. (
Brand Name :Levi’s Store
Location : Ground Floor
Phone :
Website :

Pada tahun 1873, Levi Strauss dan Jacob Davis menciptakan blue jeans. Kami terus berinovasi sejak saat itu. Melampaui generasi turun temurun, Levi’s® jeans telah menarik perhatian, imajinasi, dan loyalitas beragam individu. Brand Levi’s® terus memberi makna pada industri ini dengan produk-produk klasik seperti 501® jeans, koleksi inovatif seperti Commuter, Levi’s® Revel dan banyak lagi. (
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